Tweets on 2008-06-28

  • OMG, i’m missing Dr Who for this? #
  • Night out with friends in “restaurant with dancing” which turns out to be hen-night factory. #
  • We’re the only men here! #
  • Siege mentality in gent’s. “First piss I’ve had all night when there’s bin anyone else in ere!” #
  • “Ah’m avin meh fooken stag do ere!” #
  • 700 drunk teenage girls in pink wigs singing “Would Ah lah to yah babeh?” #
  • Oh dear. They’ve just clipped a box to the table for our glasses, in case we feel like dancing on the furniture. #

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Just how cynical are Heinz’s admen?

So, Heinz releases an ad they must have known would cause a controversy, in which two men kiss.

Not of course, because they’re in love or anything like – my reading of the ad is one where the family are so far into taking their mum for granted that she can entirely be replaced by some strange American guy in a chef outfit and none of them even notice.

So, Heinz releases a controversial ad, and then, surprise surprise, there’s a storm of complaints from the fundies.

So they pull the ad.

Then there’s a storm of complaint from the gayers.

In this process they have annoyed a tiny minority of religionists at one end of the spectrum, and a tiny minority of gays at the other, and the vast majority of unaffected people in the middle of the two who don’t care either way get subjected to weeks and weeks of free coverage in newspapers, media and blogs.  The gays and the fundies will be boycotting the brand, but now everyone else will have heard of it.

Now even Nick Clegg is weighing in with more free advertising for Heinz.


Tweets on 2008-06-27

  • Wondering if @iaindale is still in Tonbridge car park. #
  • Happy anniversary, Prime Minister! #
  • @willhowells you don’t see many people go from hunger to satiety that quickly. #
  • If I’m reading these reports right, Notts Fire and Rescue Service cost the taxpayer about the same as the Royal Family. #
  • Amazed at repair done on these boots – I thought they were finished. #
  • The perils of hotdesking – someone’s got mayo on the mouse. #
  • Enjoying the piece from Chris Rennard on #

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Inclosure walk

aforestforall brings us news of this Sunday’s “Inclosure Walk” around some of the old paths that ring the city centre.  Start at Queens Walk, in the Meadows, and end up in the Arboretum – a gentle 5 miles apparently, taking in a series of grassed, Victorian paths through the city.

Councillors get an invite every year to this walk, and it has been running for a fair while now.  Every time the little map arrives I have thought “ooh, that sounds interesting,” but this is the first year I have actually been available.

And 5 miles will help greatly in my “Marathon in a Month” challenge, which I am lagging behind in and have to complete before I catch the trains to Germany.

How quick is google?!

Earlier this evening morning I wrote about QR codes.

Then I googled “Nottingham QR codes” to see if there are any hereabouts I can go and practice on rather than just making my own.

My own blog post was already third from the top!

What does this mean? Are there really very few sites about this? Is my amateur unwitting SEO really ruling so well?  No wonder people want links on my site!

Today, I have also been googling Nottingham cowboy boots and found that the cowboy boot shop that used to be opposite the station has not closed, as I feared, but in fact moved round the corner. This might be dangerous knowledge.