Especially for Grace

Grace asked for more cat pictures. I think she’s probably gone to bed now.


Whilst we were doing so much with cat pics yesterday (less so today) a colleague pointed out that I have far more pictures of Fudge than Smudge.

This is true. Fudge is definitely my favourite. But it’s OK, because Smudge is P’s favourite, so it all evens out.

Here’s a few other cool things Duncan taught us to do:

Silhouettes… and

… Break-outs – photos where parts of the image break out of the frame of the rest. This takes hours in Photoshop, itself an expensive programme, but is relatively straightforward in PagePlus.

6 comments on “Especially for Grace

  1. Grace says:

    Thank you!

    They are such lovely cats – I really do like looking at them.

    I have to say that although the silhouette thing is cool if you need a black cat outline we can let you use a pic of Simba….

    I never knew I had such influence, if I keep posting requests to bloggers I will take over the world!

    But thank you so much. I think they are lovely little tigers!

  2. Grace says:

    Just spent a happy few minutes in you flickr album looking at lots of lovely cat pics, including the wonderful libby.

    But it’s time to be honest, I am not after pictures of your cats, I want to steal them. Two isn’t enough, I want more, more I tell you!? ;>

    (Obvioiusly I wouldn’t steal a cat, but if I thought D would let me I would have my own little pride of houselions rather than just a brace)

  3. niles says:

    I’ve just seen – 300 feet of garden and allotments and still the cats don’t go out?!

  4. niles says:

    Pride v brace – when we got our F & S we had to compromise – I wanted at least two cats, P wanted a maximum of two 😦

  5. No, because we don’t know how long we are going to be here, and if we end up somewhere that has a busy road or similar we don’t want them to have got used to the outside world.

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